- Consultancy services related to electric mini-grids management and operation expertise in Sierra Leone, December 2016 TTA will provide technical assistance services to support Welt Hunger Hilfe in their project PRESSD-SL Project (Promotion of Renewable Energy Services for Social Development in Sierra Leone) funded by the EU Energy Facility programme, to define and set up management and..+
- TTA conducting a due-diligence on a solar PV-battery mini-grid pilot project for the scale-up investment in Zambia, November 2016 TTA is conducting a technical, financial, regulatory framework and business model due diligence of a distributed micro-grid solar PV-battery project in Zambia for a private client. This due diligence aims at assisting this client’s team to make an informed investment decision..+
- TTA to execute Final External Evaluation of the project “Renewable energy for local development,” Oio Region, Guinea Bissau, November 2016 TTA to execute Final External Evaluation of the project “Renewable energy for local development,” Oio Region, Guinea Bissau, November 2016 TTA is to provide services to “HUMANA Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo” under an EC Energy Facility to fulfill the requirements of this..+
- TTA is awarded contract by UNIDO to carry out pre-feasibility studies for biogas energy project in Chile, November 2016 TTA has begun studies which aim at “Promoting the Development of Biogas Energy amongst Select Small- and Medium-Sized Agro-industries, in one of the blocks assigned to TTA and its partners, APERGAS and CIDGRO. ..+
- TTA participated at the 4th Annual HOMER International Microgrid Conference 2016 in NY, November 2016 Within the session “What's Coming in the Future”,Mauricio Solano-Peralta, on behalf of TTA and John Glassmire from HOMER Energy presented “Renewable Mini-grids Technology Innovation Outlook”. TTA and HOMER carried out this study for IRENA which included interviews with key sector experts,..+
- Improvement of productive systems through solar PV electrification in the Community Khirbet Birin/Hebron - Workshop within the Birin PV Solar project, Palestine, 28-29 September 2016 The Birin PV solar project, supported by AECID (Spanish Agency for International Development) and SEBA has been completed and has been in operation since earlier 2016. TTA carried out the feasibility study, design, engineering and works supervision of three..+
- New International Conference “Solar Technologies and Hybrid Mini Grids to improve Energy Access”, Germany, September 21-23, 2016 Xavier Vallvé of Trama TecnoAmbiental (TTA) will act as Co-chairman of this upcoming event, together with Werner Weiss of AEE-Institute for Sustainable Technologies of Austria, organized by OTTI. New, because this Conference on “Solar Technologies and Hybrid Mini..+
- Presentación / Estudio de autoconsumo de energía fotovoltaica en el Eixample, Barcelona, Julio 2016 El próximo jueves 21 de julio a las 18:00h, en el Centre Civic Urgell, TTA presentará los resultados del estudio realizado, cuyo objetivo principal ha sido determinar y cuantificar cual sería el impacto económico que tendría la instalación de una central..+
- TTA is conducting two mini-grid studies for the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum in Kenya, July 2016 TTA and its partners ECA and Carbon Africa are providing Consultancy Services for carrying out 30 Pre-Feasibility Studies of Private sector Renewable Energy Mini-grids. TTA and its partner ECA are providing Consultancy Services for development of regulations, revenue arrangements, and..+
- Solar - Wind Hybrid Micro-grids commissioned and in operation in Ghana, April-May 2016 TTA has completed for the World Bank under the Ghana Energy Development and Access Project (GEDAP) the implementation on a turn-key basis of 5 micro-grids in 4 island villages of Volta Lake in central Ghana. These micro- grids were..+
- EUSS entrevista a Xavier Vallvé, Director de TTA Xavier fue entrevistado por la EUSS (Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià), centro adscrito a la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, dentro del contexto del programa “Engineering by Doing”, en cuya sede se llevaron a cabo los cursos especializados de diseño e instalación..+
- Éxito de los cursos de diseño e instalación de plantas fotovoltaicas, abril 2016 TTA junto con el Clúster para la Internacionalización y la Innovación de las Empresas Españolas de Energía Solar (Solartys) desarrolló los programas de formación especializada como parte del proyecto europeo FOSTEr in MED (Fostering Solar Technology in the Mediterranean..+
- Participation at ARE-RECP Off-Grid Investment Forum 2016 Unai Arrieta, Project Engineer of TTA participated in this event hosted by the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) and the Africa-EU Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP) which was held in Amsterdam on April 13-14, 2016. This eventaimed to discuss..+
- TTA IMPARTIRÁ CURSOS DE FORMACIÓN DE PLANTAS FOTOVOLTAICAS EN EDIFICIOS, Barcelona FECHA: 4 al 15 de abril 2016 LUGAR: SALESIANS DE SARRIÀ, Escola de cicles formatius, Passeig de Sant Joan Bosco, 42, Barcelona DIRIGIDO A: UNIVERSITARIOS, INSTALADORES Y DISEÑADORES Participación gratuita INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL / APÚNTATE Estos cursos se desarrollan en el marco del proyecto europeo FOSTEr in MED,..+