- Contract obtained for Inspection of electrical distribution materials, Eritrea, December 2018 The objective of this assignment for the Ministry of Energy Ministry of Energy and Mines is to inspect the delivered distribution material for two mini grids and it involves technical and legal aspects. ..+
- Consultancy services to conduct prefeasibility studies in 30 defined sites, ECA / DFID, October 2018 The objective of the consultancy services is to conduct a prefeasibility study for rural electrification in the 30 defined sites including determining the willingness and ability to pay, determine the appropriate technology, and design the appropriate investment model, operation and maintenance..+
- Successful 2nd Conference on Solar Technologies & Hybrid Mini Grids to improve energy access held in Mallorca, October 2018 TTA, GIZ and Universitat de les Illes Balears were happy to welcome 135 participants from 37 countries to this Conference held October 17 to 19, 2018. Participants considered that this event offered a good balance of complementary topics related to energy..+
- Support to improve sustainability of the electricity service in the Upper Suriname region, August 2018 The main objective of this consultancy is to prepare the technical studies to support the decision makers to select an alternative to provide 24/7 hours electricity to the communities of a selected area of intervention. between Pokigron and Niew Aurora; also..+
- 3-days Training Workshop on economics and financing of PV projects, Tunisia, May 2018 TTA delivered this Workshop for the Association of Tunisian Banks, which involved the main economic and financial aspects related to off-and on-gird PV plants. The training aimed for Tunisian banks to acquire knowledge on how to assess the profitability and risks..+
- TTA is hiring | Business Development - Project Fundraiser internships TTA is seeking for diligent Project Fundraisers, fluent in English for an internship. Identifying funding sources is required for continuous development and scaling-up of Solar PV Micro-grid projects. Click here for details and to apply for this position. ..+
- A TTA’s project in Chad receives the National Energy Globe Award-Chad, June 2018 Congratulations to the team on this outstanding achievement! TTA is delighted that its project in Chad “ 3 Solar Photovoltaic micro-grids for sustainable economic development in rural areas “ carried out for UNIDO and the Government of Chad, has received the National Energy Globe Award as the..+
- Hibridación con Energía Solar FV del Servicio Eléctrico en Bahía Negra, Paraguay, abril 2018 El objetivo de esta consultoría que está ejecutando TTA para el BID y la Administración Nacional de Electricidad (ANDE), es desarrollar el conocimiento y la información necesaria que sirva de base para el análisis de factibilidad para el proyecto de hibridación..+
- Upcoming S-@ccess International Conference co-organized by TTA & GIZ to be held in Mallorca, October 2018 Xavier Vallvé of TTA and Carsten Hellpap of GIZ have joined forces again to celebrate the 2nd edition of the International Conference « Solar Technologies and Hybrid Mini Grids to improve Energy Access » / S-@ccess and will be co-chairing this event. The..+
- Servicios de consultoría relativos a proyectos de microrredes solares híbridas, Guinea Ecuatorial, Mayo 2018 Este contrato otorgado por el PNUD consiste en suministrar servicios de consultoría para estudiar la factibilidad de instalar una microrred con sistema híbrido solar en la isla de Annobon. El proyecto se enmarca como parte de una serie de medidas que Guinea..+
- Technical Assistance services for Rooftop Solar PV Assessment in Gaza, January 2018 TTA is providing technical assistance to the Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority and the World Bank to install a total of 800 solar PV rooftop systems for households and SMEs through a revolving fund. The technical support also includes assistance..+
- TTA participated at 4th ARE’s Energy Access Investment Forum held in Catania, Italy, March 2018 / In this year’s ARE Awards TTA’s Partner in Tanzania receives recognition Xavier Vallvé participated as a panelist in the Session «Talking Business & Investment: Latin America – Rural Electrification beyond Basic Need Supply?». This forum was held on 12-15 March 2018 and was organized by ARE in partnership with Renewable Energy Solutions..+
- TTA guanya concurs per al disseny d'instal·lacions fotovoltaiques a Barcelona, gener 2017 El contracte per la realització del Lot 1 (Edificis públics amb protecció patrimonial) s’emmarca dins del Desenvolupament del Programa Impuls Generació Solar a Barcelona, consisteix en la redacció de projectes executius per la implantació d'instal·lacions fotovoltaiques per a autoconsum en 6..+
- Services for an Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Framework for mini-grids in Kenya, November 2017 This mandate awarded to TTA by GIZ calls for provision of consultancy services for the Kenyan Rural Electrification Authority (REA), and other actors, related to the development of an O&M Framework for mini-grids. ..+